Sunday, August 21, 2011


Sent: Sat 7/30/11 2:04 PM
To: Marissa Bea

Hi Sweetheart,
Does this ring a bell? There was a 1958 war movie on channel 9 and since I hadn't seen it since, oh, 1958 I vegged out and watched. A submarine captain (Clark Gable) new to the crew of this particular sub takes them out, but first runs them through unusual drills and maneuvers. The crew and officers become restive, and even more so when he avoids combat with an enemy target (not wanting to be seen). Tension grows between him and the first mate (Burt Lancaster). Finally the capt. orders the ship to a dreaded shipping lane where many previous subs have been sunk, including his own from a year earlier. This is in direct violation of their original orders to avoid this area, but the capt. wants revenge on a particular enemy. The officers cite Navy regulations and urge the First Mate to assume command. He refuses. In a first encounter in the dangerous zone they have some success using their new maneuvers, but are damaged and the captain is injured. The First Mate does assume command and announces they are returning home, but then changes his mind and leads them back into the attack.
It is called "Run Silent Run Deep" and was considered a good movie back then.
Oh, receipts. I have a stack of little receipts for my deposits to your checking acct. for health insurance. There's no reason to send them to you, is there? You couldn't possibly have "missed" any of them? Should I just destroy them? (I still have qualms about destroying paper, especially when there are $ signs on it).
We are packing today for Missoula. As you see, I have time for this so we are well along in packing. Hope to leave way early, like 04:00, to avoid the afternoon desert. And the Sounders are on KONG this evening.


From: Marissa Bea
Sent: Mon 8/01/11 10:57 AM
To: Home

Hey Dad, I don't think I've ever seen that movie, but I did see the movie The Sting last weekend, with Paul Newman and Robert Redford. It was also good. Brad Pitt really looks like Robert Redford when he was younger. You ever seen it? And I don't think I need receipts for anything, I keep all of the bills they send me that say "you owe us $0 because you already paid online, but here's a piece of paper to confirm that." Wish I had the option to get that sent by email, save a lot of paper....

Have fun in Missoula! I was at Mari's bachelorette party in Atlantic City on saturday night. Have you ever been there? It's really a sad excuse for a city, not very much to do there. And talk about soul-less. Whew. Love you!!


Sent: Sun 8/07/11 2:36 PM
To: Marissa Bea

Dear Marissa,
We're back! No, silly, I don't mean have you seen that movie. I mean the plot. It's Moby Dick! but the whale has become a Japanese ship, and of course the whale doesn't win this one. As for The Sting, it is one of many that everyone I knew was raving about and seeing when it first came out, that I have never seen. I haven't seen it, but your Mom surely has. No, haven't been to Atlantic City and don't plan to. An English actor, Stephen Fry, did a 5- or 6- episode TV series on PBS just a couple years ago in which he traveled all regions of America. He loved everything with just 2 exceptions: Miami, and Atlantic City. Sad and soulless is just about exactly how he described it. You have a refined taste.


From: Marissa Bea
Sent: Sun 8/07/11 2:45 PM
To: Home

I did think of that at first, but the "ship" not winning might have thrown me off.

I'm not surprised about Mr. Fry disliking Miami or AC. Although I've never been to Miami, I've been to Orlando, and I imagine them to be similar...basically Florida. I could live my whole life and never go back, and I wouldn't feel deprived at all. :)

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